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Brese-LeBron Law, PLLC

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Blocks spelling 'sexual assault' - Brese-LeBron Law, PLLCWhether because of bitter revenge after a breakup or the haunting regret of consensual encounters gone awry, people regularly make false accusations of sexual assault charges. If you have had one made against you and are experiencing the ensuing emotional rollercoaster, seeking a sex crime defense attorney in Texas isn’t just a legal necessity but an anchor in the storm. Read on to discover:

  • Why people make false accusations of sexual assault.
  • Why partnering with an attorney promptly is vital.
  • Key factors in most sex crime cases in Texas.

What Are The Most Common Reasons For False Sexual Assault Charges?

The reasons for false sexual assault charges in Texas abound, but there are some common recurring allegations. False sexual assault charges are often made within the context of custody battles or divorces where people seek to gain an advantage in the proceedings and use such allegations to influence the outcome in their favor.

Similarly, people often levy false sexual assault charges in retaliation, especially in cases where an intimate relationship ended on less than friendly terms. Anger or resentment may drive the accuser to make these false accusations as a form of revenge or to exert control over a former partner.

Encounters that were initially consensual but one of the people involved later came to regret this intimacy also leads to false allegations. People who do this are often influenced by external factors like their family or peers. One party conveniently claims to be a victim of something they actually consented to after the fact.

If I Suspect I May Be Arrested On A Sexual Assault Charge In Texas, Should I Hire A Sex Crime Defense Attorney Now Or Wait Until I Am Arrested?

If you think you may have sexual assault allegations coming your way, it is vital to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. Proactively engaging a sex crime defense attorney ensures that you have professional support ready in the event of an arrest or police inquiry. If you hire an attorney promptly, counsel can familiarize themselves with the details of your situation sooner rather than later. This is invaluable for crafting a robust defense strategy tailored to the specifics of your case, and to anticipate any potential problems that may arise.

Having legal counsel on standby also allows for immediate assistance in navigating legal processes and developing a strategy for your defense. Whether it involves bonding out, requests for bond reduction, attending interviews, gathering relevant information, assessing potential defenses, or positioning yourself for a more effective response to any allegations, an attorney can guide you through the stages of legal proceedings.

Does Every Sex Crime Conviction Result In The Offender Registering As A Sex Offender In Texas?

All sex crime convictions result in registering as a sex offender. The period of time for which they must register depends on the type of offense and their sexual offense history.

What Is The Statute Of Limitations For Sex Crime Charges In Texas?

The statute of limitations for sex crimes in Texas isn’t so cut and dry; for some crimes, it relatively short; for others it is incredibly lengthy; and some don’t have one at all. For example, indecent exposure, although a misdemeanor, is considered a sexual offense. The statute of limitations for this crime is two years. On the other hand, the crime of Continuous Sex Abuse of Young Child/Disabled Person, has no statute of limitations.

How Often Does The Accuser In A Sex Crime Case Change Their Story Or Decide Not To Press Charges? Do The Sexual Assault Or Rape Charges In Texas Automatically Get Dropped?

It’s not uncommon for people involved in crimes against someone else, whether assault or sexual assault cases, to reconcile with the accused. If this happens, many decide they no longer want the accused prosecuted. In such situations, the accuser may file an affidavit of non-prosecution, a sworn document expressing the desire not to pursue prosecution.

However, the fact that the accuser no longer wants to press charges or changes their story does not automatically mean that the case will be dropped. The government, represented by the District Attorney’s office, has the authority to continue with charges even if the alleged victim withdraws their charges.

In some cases, charges may proceed to trial without a particularly willing victim. The outcome of such cases can vary, with some being dismissed or offered a less harsh plea agreement shortly before trial.

How Often Are Drugs And Alcohol Involved With Sex Crime Charges In Texas? How Does That Affect The Case?

Sex crime charges in Texas often involve situations where drugs and alcohol are consumed. Sex crimes are often committed at parties or other similar social gatherings. Allegations frequently arise when those involved were intoxicated and things quickly become complex when consent is in question.

If someone involved had voluntarily consumed drugs or alcohol, it does not serve as a defense to the allegations they face. On the other hand, not having voluntarily consumed drugs or alcohol may be a possible defense.

The impact of the victim’s intoxication on the case can vary depending on the specific facts and circumstances.

For more information on Reasons For False Sexual Assault Charges In Texas, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (903) 865-3803 today.

Brese-LeBron Law, PLLC

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