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(903) 865-3803

Brese-LeBron Law, PLLC

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(903) 865-3803

A police car drives on the highway, with another vehicle following closely behind itIn this article, you can discover…

    • What to do when stopped by police for a suspected DUI.
    • Whether or not you can lawfully refuse sobriety tests.
    • What information to share with your attorney after your arrest.

What Information Am I Required To Provide To Law Enforcement? Are There Any Questions That I Shouldn’t Answer?

You are not legally required to answer any questions that the police may ask you. Instead, ask for an attorney and do not speak to police or answer their questions until your attorney is there to advise you. 

What Are The Standardized Field Sobriety Tests? Why Do Officers Use Them?

Standard field sobriety tests are tests that are designed to give an officer probable cause for an arrest or probable cause to ask for a sample of blood or breath. Those include things like standing on one leg, the walk and turn, and the horizontal gaze nystagmus test.

You may choose to refuse a field sobriety test. If you do engage in one and the test is videotaped (through officer body cams or cruiser dash cams), most of those videos are admissible in court.

Are You Required To Submit To A Roadside Breathalyzer Test In Texas? Is This Evidence Admissible In Court?

A PBT or a portable breath test result is not admissible in court, and you can refuse it as well.

You may also refuse an initial blood alcohol test once arrested. However, your license will be suspended for a period of time based on your refusal of either test. After you initially refuse, a warrant is typically sought to obtain a blood specimen, and at that point, in light of the warrant, you are legally required to comply.

What Information From The DUI Stop, Investigation, And Arrest Is Important To Share With Your Attorney?

All the information that you can possibly remember is important and should be shared with your attorney. Even seemingly small details can have a huge impact on your case; your lawyer will understand what these details are and how to use them in your defense. 

A seemingly small point may turn out to be a major point; it may be the point that wins your case. Anything at all that you can remember to tell your attorney is good information.

For more information on DUI Stops In Texas, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (903) 865-3803 today.

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